WB Giving Tree Apparel Sale

'Tis the season of giving and you can help support those less fortunate by showing some festive school spirit!  The Junior-Senior High is having a WB Holiday apparel sale, with profits ($3-$8 per item ordered) going towards funds for the Giving Tree! Spread some WB holiday cheer by supporting your community! All orders and payment are needed by 11/30.  

See Mrs. Ferguson or Mrs. Katkich with any questions!  Please see the flyer below and place your order using the following link:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=rZmkgp4Pe0ubLa0eGJfUm3jMlFjAcSlOri135cGCIKxUNUJSTVYwNE5UQlc3Tk84TE1SU0lRTDNTUS4u