A Message from the Superintendent
Welcome to the Western Beaver County School District. We are fortunate to have a community and Board of Education that strongly supports our schools and students. In addition to a supportive community, Western Beaver’s faculty and staff are committed to providing each student with a safe and nurturing school environment.
Our Administration, Professional Staff, and Support Staff along with the Board of Education are dedicated to preparing students for a 21st Century global world. To meet this commitment Western Beaver County School District continues to use a variety of data to improve each student’s educational experience. As the world continues to change at its fastest pace in history Western Beaver searches for meaningful connections to provide effective and educationally diverse instruction to foster student growth. In addition to a “traditional” school curriculum, Western Beaver offers a comprehensive on-line curriculum through its Collaborative On-line Academy (COA). Western Beaver’s academic program now offers students the opportunity to blend a “traditional” education with an on-line learning environment to meet the needs of the 21st Century learner. Western Beaver will continue to use technology to expand students’ learning opportunities beyond our geographic boundaries. In addition, Western Beaver offers a variety of other educational programs including a comprehensive Pre-Kindergarten program, newly approved School-Wide Title I program, and comprehensive special education and vocational education programs which utilize a multi-tiered system of support for implementing the academic standards.
One of Western Beaver’s most important challenges is the relationship between the local community and the learning community. Through open and honest communication we have developed an environment where trust and student safety is everyone’s priority. Our schools focus on the whole child, providing numerous social – emotional services. Our schools take pride in promoting self-discipline, self-respect, and self-confidence. Our doors are open to all resources that support and serve our students.
During the past seven years Western Beaver has faced many challenges including declining enrollment, decreasing state funding for public education, and many unfunded mandates. As you are aware, there have been numerous changes in our district to meet these challenges. Western Beaver County School District will continue to develop partnerships and share services to meet our needs.
Thank you for your continued support. Good luck to all of our sports teams, extra-curricular programs, band, and musical performers.
Dr. Robert H. Postupac

The Western Beaver School District’s Board of School Directors conducted an evaluation of the District’s Superintendent on August 14th, 2024. The Board of School Director’s Overall Evaluation of the Superintendent is as follows: Satisfactory